Meguiar's Glass Cleaner Concentrate easily and consistently removes tough vinyl fog, residue, road grime, smoker's film, and bug splatter producing crystal clear streak-free glass. It wipes them away revealing crystal clear, streak-free glass. Since it’s formulated for professional use, the outcome really works. Now you don’t have to risk your visibility by using a streaky cleaner. This Glass Cleaner will give you a professional-quality results at an affordable price.
1. For best results surface should be cool to the touch, and applied out of direct sunlight.
2. Spray diluted product directly on surface to be cleaned.
3. Using a Meguiar's Ultimate Wipe (M9910) folded into quarters, wipe clean.
4. Turn towel frequently to ensure a clean side is being used.
PROFESSIONAL TIPS: When making your final wipe on the exterior glass, move the towel in a left to right motion; on the interior glass move the towel in a top to bottom motion. This will easily identify the side of the glass where any streaks may have occurred.